
List of publications » MAGIC Articles

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Constraining cosmic rays and magnetic fields in the Perseus galaxy cluster with TeV observations by the MAGIC telescopes
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 541 (2012) A99
Detection of the $gamma$-Ray Binary LS I +61deg303 in a Low-flux State at Very High Energy $gamma$-Rays with the MAGIC Telescopes in 2009
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
ApJ 746 (2012) 80
Detection of very-high energy $gamma$-ray emission from NGC 1275 by the MAGIC telescopes
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 539 (2012) L2
Detection of VHE $gamma$-Rays from HESS J0632+057 during the 2011 February X-Ray Outburst with the MAGIC Telescopes
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
ApJ Letters 754 (2012) L10
Discovery of VHE $gamma$-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object B3 2247+381 with the MAGIC telescopes
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 539 (2012) A118
Discovery of VHE $gamma$-rays from the blazar 1ES 1215+303 with the MAGIC telescopes and simultaneous multi-wavelength observations
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 544 (2012) A142
High zenith angle observations of PKS 2155-304 with the MAGIC-I telescope
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 544 (2012) A75
MAGIC observations of the giant radio galaxy M 87 in a low-emission state between 2005 and 2007
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 544 (2012) A96
Morphological and spectral properties of the W51 region measured with the MAGIC telescopes
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 541 (2012) A13
Mrk 421 active state in 2008: the MAGIC view, simultaneous multi-wavelength observations and SSC model constrained
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 542 (2012) A100
Performance of the MAGIC stereo system obtained with Crab Nebula data
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
Astroparticle Physics 35 (2012) 435-448
PG 1553+113: Five Years of Observations with MAGIC
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
ApJ 748 (2012) 46
Phase-resolved energy spectra of the Crab pulsar in the range of 50-400 GeV measured with the MAGIC telescopes
MAGIC collaboration, Aleksić et al.
A&A 540 (2012) A69
The 2010 Very High Energy $gamma$-Ray Flare and 10 Years of Multi-wavelength Observations of M 87
MAGIC collaboration, Abramowski et al.
ApJ 746 (2012) 151