
List of publications » MAGIC Articles

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FADC signal reconstruction for the MAGIC telescope
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 594 (2008) 407-419
First Bounds on the High-Energy Emission from Isolated Wolf-Rayet Binary Systems
MAGIC collaboration, Aliu et al.
ApJL 685 (2008) L71-L74
Implementation of the Random Forest method for the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope MAGIC
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 588 (2008) 424-432
MAGIC Observations of the Unidentified $gamma$-Ray Source TeV J2032+4130
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
ApJL 675 (2008) L25-L28
Multiwavelength (Radio, X-Ray, and $gamma$-Ray) Observations of the $gamma$-Ray Binary LS I +61 303
MAGIC collaboration, Guerrero et al.
ApJ 684 (2008) 1351-1358
Observation of Pulsed $gamma$-Rays Above 25 GeV from the Crab Pulsar with MAGIC
MAGIC collaboration, et al.
Science 322 (2008) 1221-
Probing quantum gravity using photons from a flare of the active galactic nucleus Markarian 501 observed by the MAGIC telescope
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
Physics Letters B 668 (2008) 253-257
Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of the Blazar 1ES 1959+650 at a Low TeV Flux
MAGIC collaboration, et al.
ApJ 679 (2008) 1029-1039
Systematic Search for VHE Gamma-Ray Emission from X-Ray-bright High-Frequency BL Lac Objects
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
ApJ 681 (2008) 944-953
Upper Limit for $gamma$-Ray Emission above 140 GeV from the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Draco
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
ApJ 679 (2008) 428-431
Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Observations of Strong Flaring Activity in M87 in 2008 February
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
ApJL 685 (2008) L23-L26
Very-High-Energy gamma rays from a Distant Quasar: How Transparent Is the Universe?
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
Science 320 (2008) 1752-
VHE $gamma$-Ray Observation of the Crab Nebula and its Pulsar with the MAGIC Telescope
MAGIC collaboration, Albert et al.
ApJ 674 (2008) 1037-1055