
Publication details

On lasers and blazars: Evaluation of the LIDAR corrections of MAGIC telescope data and insights into the broadband emission of Markarian 421

Felix Schmuckermaier


Technical University Munich

External urlhttps://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:91-diss-20241104-1754500-1-4


This thesis contributes to the field of VHE gamma-ray astronomy from a technical and astrophysical point of view. It contains the first systematic evaluation of the atmospheric correction capabilities of a LIDAR system for IACT data, a comprehensive study on Mrk 421 in the time from November 2009 to June 2010, which is the source’s most active year to date, and lastly, the first combined VHE and X-ray polarization observations of Mrk 421 are presented.

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