
Publication details

Insights from the first flaring activity of a high-synchrotron-peaked blazar with X-ray polarization and VHE gamma rays

MAGIC collaboration, Abe et al.

First author:
Axel Arbet-Engels, Lea Heckmann, David Paneque


Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2025 (Submitted 2024/10/30)

External urlarXiv abstract


We study a flaring activity of the HSP Mrk421 that was characterized from radio to very-high-energy (VHE; E $>0.1$TeV) gamma rays with MAGIC, Fermi-LAT, Swift, XMM-Newton and several optical and radio telescopes. These observations included, for the first time for a gamma-ray flare of a blazar, simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements with IXPE. We find substantial variability in both X-rays and VHE gamma rays throughout the campaign, with the highest VHE flux above 0.2 TeV occurring during the IXPE observing window, and exceeding twice the flux of the Crab Nebula. However, the VHE and X-ray spectra are on average softer, and the correlation between these two bands weaker that those reported in previous flares of Mrk421. IXPE reveals an X-ray polarization degree significantly higher than that at radio and optical frequencies. The X-ray polarization angle varies by $\sim$100$^\circ$ on timescales of days, and the polarization degree changes by more than a factor 4. The highest X-ray polarization degree reaches 26%, around which a X-ray counter-clockwise hysteresis loop is measured with XMM-Newton. It suggests that the X-ray emission comes from particles close to the high-energy cutoff, hence possibly probing an extreme case of the Turbulent Extreme Multi-Zone model. We model the broadband emission with a simplified stratified jet model throughout the flare. The polarization measurements imply an electron distribution in the X-ray emitting region with a very high minimum Lorentz factor, which is expected in electron-ion plasma, as well as a variation of the emitting region size up to a factor of three during the flaring activity. We find no correlation between the fluxes and the evolution of the model parameters, which indicates a stochastic nature of the underlying physical mechanism. Such behaviour would be expected in a highly turbulent electron-ion plasma crossing a shock front.