
Publication details

MAGIC and the Search for Signatures of Supersymmetric Dark Matter

MAGIC collaboration, ) et al.


New Astron. Rev, 2004


The 17m Imaging Air shower Cherenkov Telescope MAGIC (Roque de los Mucha- chos Observatory, La Palma, Canary Islands) has recently entered its commissioning phase. One of the main goals of the MAGIC telescope project is to provide an un- precedented sensitivity for the detection of gamma rays with energies as low as 30 GeV. A dedicated search for the gamma rays expected to be produced by WIMP annihilations is a prime object of the MAGIC physics program. We consider an- nihilating supersymmetric dark matter in M 87 and discuss a possible observation strategy. New calculations concerning the extragalactic gamma ray and neutrino backgrounds owing to cosmological neutralino annihilation are also briefly discussed.


gamma rays: astronomical sources, air showers, dark matter, supersymmetry, cosmology, neutrinos