Duties of conveners

Science Working Group Conveners of the MAGIC  collaboration

The scientific activities of the MAGIC collaboration are coordinated by the Physics    Coordinator and its Deputy. Most of these activities – data analysis, interpretation, proposal submission, preparation of publications – are carried on in the Physics working groups (PWG). There are four PWG, each one composed by several tenths of active members: the Extragalactic (EGAL), Galactic (GAL), Astroparticle a fundamental Physics (APFP), and Transient (TRANS) working groups. Each working group is coordinated by three (two for the APFP PWG) conveners. The PWG conveners are full MAGIC members who support the various scientific activities being performed within the MAGIC collaboration.  The PWG conveners are appointed by the Physics Coordinator after discussion with its Deputy.  A document inserted in the MAGIC MoU, and available to all MAGIC members, defines the selection procedure.

Mandate and role of the PWG conveners

PWG conveners rotate every 2-3 years at an approximate rate of 1 per year. This rotation scheme ensures the stability and effectiveness of the scientific activities performed within the PWG. It also provides the opportunity to skilful and motivated scientists in their early-stage career to take positions of responsibility, organizing and leading a group of people. All conveners are considered equal despite some conveners may be more experienced/seniors than others.

Being a convener of a PWG is recognized as one of the service duties that the members of the collaboration need to fulfill to be included in the author list of the publications of the collaboration.

Duties and tasks of the PWG conveners
The PWG conveners report to the Physics Coordinator and its Deputy, who support their activities and organize meetings with them to discuss the ongoing scientific activities within the MAGIC collaboration.

The estimated time for each PWG convener activity is, on average, ⅓ of the total working time (FTE), with a variable intensity, depending on the period of the year and on other circumstances.

The activities can be divided into four major groups:

1.     Coordination of the PWG. For example:

        a.     Steer (or even propose) the work in different scientific topics within the group.

        b.     Organize meetings of the WG and on physics topics.

        c.     Support decisions by the Physics Coordinator in the PWG.

2.     Support the proposals preparation and evaluation.

3.     Support the preparation of the Collaboration’s scientific publications;

4.     Support the preparation of the Collaboration’s contributions to conferences.