Dear all,
I quickly went over the new version and I could see that Adiv made a good job addressing all the remarks provided by IFAE group (which were really good, and helped improving the manuscript further !!).
I have few additional minor remarks, that relate mostly to the author list and the references. See below.
Apart from that, I would say the paper is ready to go to the last review before submission.
Few comments about the author list:-1-
Due to a technical problem, two members from MPI (Hahn and Moretti), who should have been included in the author list since the beginning of July, were not included until August. Since this paper circulated thgough MAGIC priv on late July, these two people should be included.
A.~Hahn\inst{7} \and
E.~Moretti\inst{7} \and
Additionally, Masahiro pointed out a problem (now corrected): he should have two affiliations, the one in MPI (main affiliation) and the one in Japan. This is now fixed in the new author list. For this paper you can simply add the number 20:
Few comments about the references:-1-
The reference Aleksic 2014 (performance paper) needs to be updated
The coordinates are not yet final, but they will be soon. For the time being you can use
Aleksi ́c, J., et al. 2015, APh, in press
(( ... 0515000316))
Additionally, I would also mention (together with the perforamnce paper, at the end of the introduction) the other upgrade paper, the one that reports about the hardware changes.
Aleksi ́c, J., et al. 2015, APh, in press
( ... 0515000663)
you have two "Ansoldi et al 2015 papers".
I believe you refer to the other 1es1011 MAGIC papers, right ?
These papers have already been submitted.
Two things about them:
a) You only refer to one of them in the text. You should cite them both
b) They are actually NOT Ansoldi et al, but rather:
M. L. Ahnen, S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli et al., submitted to MNRAS
for the paper with the 2008 data
J. Aleksic, S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli et al., submitted to A&A
for the paper with 2011/2012 data
This one was circulated long ago in magic priv, and that is why it has the Aleskic as the first author.
In conclusions:" period, no significan change "
" period, no significant change "