1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

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Re: 1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by michele.doro » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:52 pm

Hi Abelardo

I did not receive back then any private information about. I was waiting and surprised for some time about the silence of the authors and the editors, and then I lost track.


Re: 1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by moralejo » Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:48 pm

Was this ever submitted?? I needed a reference for the spectrum and cannot find the Corrigendum anywhere...

Re: 1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by michele.doro » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:47 am

Hi Adiv,

I wrote to A&A, here is the final report:

Dear Michele,

The pre-title should indeed be Corrigendum. The rest of the title, author list and affiliations should be exactly the same as in the original paper. The erratum should be send by mail as a pdf file (2 column version) to the editorial office ([url]aanda.paris@obspm.fr[/url]) with the reference of the orginial paper in the subject of your mail.

With best regards
Pascale Monier
A&A editorial office

therefore please, change the title.

I also spoke to Priya. She said she would like to provide an independent cross-check for the new fits.


Re: 1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by adiv.gonzalez » Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:08 pm


Find in the attachment the corrected version.

Thanks Michele for checking for the rules about the authorship in the erratum. I still think that if there is a problem with the author list, the editor will (and should) tell us, since A&A do not have a clear policy for it.
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Re: 1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by michele.doro » Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:27 am


First of all, I was checking around if there were some rules about Erratum, and I find that Corrigendum is the correct phrasing instead:
- http://www.nature.com/authors/policies/ ... lback=true
- https://www.elsevier.com/editors/perk/p ... corrigenda
- http://www.apsstylemanual.org/formattin ... gendum.htm

It seems that there are different rules about using original-paper-author-list or not. APS for example just use one author:
You will be the sole author of this corrigendum. From the "Add a New Author" menu, enter in your e-mail address. Click on the "Find" arrow next to it; the rest of the information will be added to the Author section automatically. Designate yourself as the corresponding author for the manuscript by clicking on the small box next to the relevant statement. Click on the "Add to My Authors" button at the bottom of the menu to place your name in the "My Author" section. There will be no other Authors.
I personally am not against the full authors list, just I don't like that affiliations are something simply wrong..

# Paper
- there is a broken link to the reference

@Abelardo, Priya, do we have a green light?

Re: 1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by adiv.gonzalez » Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:01 pm

Hi all

Please find in the attachment the updated versions of the errata and the letter to the editor with the changes suggested by Michele.


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Re: 1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by michele.doro » Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:54 am

Dear Adiv,

#=== letter to the editor
It is well written, but I think it would be better if it could be signed by _all_ three corresponding authors.

#=== erratum

# Abstract
- We discovered a mistake -> We found a mistake
- of different functions -> of two functions
- Section 3 of Ahnen et al. (A&A, 590, 24A)-> year missing
- which is the constraints-> which is the computation of the constraints

# Text
- We discovered a mistake -> We found a mistake
- in Section 3 of the original paper (A&A, 590, 24A)-> you should cite the paper as a normal citation, and therefore add also a reference section to the erratum
- I would skip a line before "In the section 3..."
- In the section 3-> In Section 3
- I would skip a line before "A few lines below"
- I would skip a line before "After a thorough review"
- this error does not affect -> this change of fit parameters does not affect
- what is shown in all the-> what is shown in any the


1ES 1011+496 EBL studies with 2014 flare - erratum

Post by michele.doro » Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:40 am

This topic will host the discussion about the erratum of some fits parameters in this paper. Attached one can find the current version of the erratum and the letter to the referee.
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